Raph Hibbert

Generation 1

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Raph Hibbert b.ca.1610 d.ca.1666.

Son of unknown

Married , son daughter of

They had the following children:

F i Robert bap. 03 Jul 1631 in Saint Michael, Ashton Under Lyne, Lancashire d.
F i Joseph bap. 24 Sep 1637 in Saint Michael, Ashton Under Lyne, Lancashire d. of Droylsden Lancashire

8 February, 2021

Other information

There are three documents passed down through my family which mention Raph and Joseph.

First Document

COUNTY OF LANCASHIRE Documents deposited tenporarily in the Cumbria Record Office; Kendal by Lieut. Colonel J. D. Hibbert, Broughton Bank, Cartmel, 18 November 1975 DROYLSDEN LANCASHIRE

1. Articles of agreement, 8 May 1663, between (1) Joseph Hibbert of Droylsden, yeoman and (2) John Gilliam of Droylsden.
Premises: cottage and croft called Crashes or Chrash Croft that was Birdsell‘s with appurts.
(1) to make for (2) an indefeasible estate free from all incumbrances and give general warranty together with deed made by Will. Bersell to Raph. Hibbert, late deceased father of (1) together with bond for performance and other on writings concerning cottage and close before end of 3 months; for better securing conveyance, (1) to make lease for 200 years of other of his land which (2) should have at peppercorn rent if he or his heirs be interrupted from receiving profits of said cottage and croft; (1) to do his best to remove Judith Beswick from said cottage or cause her to pay rent yearly to (2); (2) to pay (1) £5 in hand and £4 at or before 24 December next. Witnesses John Taylor, James Chorlton

2. Lease for 1000 years 13 July 1663
1. Joseph Hibbert of Droylsden, co. Lancaster, yeoman.
2. John Gilliam of Droylsden, yeoman.
Recital:- feoffment, 10 July [1663]
1. said Josegh Hibbert.
2. said Joseph Gilliam, younger Premises: all that messuage, cottage or dwelling house in Droylsden and also all that close called Crash Croft now in tenure of John Gilliam, elder and (2); - to indemnify (2) from all persons making claim to premises by virtue of any deed made by George Buirdsell, deceased, late father of William Buirdsell, Raph Hibbent late deceased, or (1), and for divers other considerations.(1) has agreed to lease. Premises: all that close, closure and parcel of land meadow or pasture called the Little Intack; of which east end adjoins land leading to Droylsden Mosse called Jacklane and south side adjoins said Droylsden Mosse, containing ½ acre as it was formerly ditched and fenced, and adjoining the Great Intack, and part of inheritance of (1) in Droylsden, for rent of yearly rose. Condition: lease to be null and void if (2) and his heirs enjoy actual possession and seisin of messuagel and close granted in feoffment (except only a bedroom within cottage as it is now divided during only natural life of William Birdsell aforesaid). Witnesses: Tho. Gillibrand, senior, Thomas Gillibrand, junior

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Second Document

Transcript of deed of collateral security
Droylsden, Lancashire, 13 July 1663. This Indenture made the thirteenth daie of July in the Fifteenth yeare of the Raigne of our Sov[er]aigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God Kinge of England Scotland France and Ireland Defendor of ye faith &c. Anno dom: 1665 Betweene Joseph Hibbert of Droylsden in the Countie of Lanc[aster] yeoman upon th'one p[ar]ty And John Gilliam of the same Droylsden & aforesaid Countie of Lano[aster1 yeoman uppon th'oth[er] p[ar]tie Witnesseth that whereas the said Joseph Hibbert by his deed of Feoffm[en]t indented beareinge date the Tenth daie of July in the Fifteenth yeare of the raigne of our said Sov[er]aigne Lord King Charles ye second that now is over England &c for the Considerac[i]ons in the said deed of Feoffm[en]t menc[i]oned Did cleerely and absolutely grant bargaine sell enfeoffe & confirm unto John Gillia[m] yonger his heires and assignes for ever all that messuage Cottage or dwelling howse situate in Droylsden aforesaid And allso all that Close Croft or p[ar]cell of ground meddow or pasture called Crash Croft and now in the tenure or occupac[i]on of John Gilliam th'elder & John Gilliam th'yong[e]r or som of their assignes as in and by the said Deed of Feoffm[en]t dated as abovesaid under the hand & Seale of the said Joseph Hibbert (Relac[i]on beinge thereunto had the same with other Covenants & Agreem[en]ts shall and maie more fully and at large appeare Now the said Joseph Hibbert for and in Considerac[i]on that the said John Gilliam his heires and assignes shall and maie be defended and saved harmelesse and indemnifyed of and from all and every person and p[er]sons Clayming or makeinge title unto the said messuage dwellinge howse Close and p[ar]cell of land and p[re]misses with th'appurten[an]ces aforesaid by virtue of any former bargaine grant Assignem[en]t Lease or Deed of Entaile or other grant whatsoev[e]r heretofore made by George Buirdsell deceased late father of William Buirdsell Raph Hibbert late disceased or of the said Joseph Hibbert p[ar]tie to these p[re]sents their or any of their heires or assignes whatsoev[e]r or of any person or p[er]sons claymeinge any Joynture of from or out of the said messuage or dwelling howse Close or p[ar]cell of land in Droylsden aforesaid granted in and by the said Deed of Feoffm[en]t Indented or of in or unto any p{ar]t or p[ar]cell thereof and for divers other good causes and Considerac[i]ons him the said Joseph Hibbert thereunto moveinge hath demised granted assigned and sett over and by these presents doth demyse grant assigne and set over unto the said John Gilliam his heires and assignes All that Close Closure and p[ar]cell of land meddow or pasture called by the name of the Little Intack the eastende whereof adioyneth to a Lane leadeinge to Droylsden Mosse called Jacklane and the South side adioyneing next to the said Droylsden Mosse containeinge halfe an Acre of ground or there abouts bee it more or less as it was formerly ditched and fenced and adioyneinge to the great Intack and p[ar]t of the inheritance of him the said Joseph Hibbert lyinge in Droylsden aforesaid and now or late in the tenure houldinge or occupac[i]on of him the said Joseph Hibbert or his assignes with all waies waters watercourses pathes gates lib[er]ties easements profitts and com[m]oddities to the same belongeinge or appertaineinge with th' appurten[an]ces to have and to hould the said Close Closure feild and parcell of Land and p[re]misses with th' appurten[an]ces unto the said John Gilliam his heires executors and assigns im[m]ediately from the daie of the date of these p[re]sents for and dureinge all the time and terme of one thousand yeares next coming to plow sowe mowe and pasture without any other Rent lay taxac[i]on suit or service to bee done or demaund whatsoev[e]r to bee yeilded paid or done for the same dureinge the said terme except it be a Rose in Rose time yearly if the same be lawfully demaunded of the said John Gilliam his executors administrators or assignes for all Rents services or demaunds for the same whatsoev[e]r Provided and it is the true intent and meaneing of these p[re]sents and of all the p[ar]ties to the same that if the said John Gilliam his heires executors admin[istrato]rs & assignes shall & do yearely and from yeare to yeare enioy actuall possession & seisin of the said messuage Cottage or dwellinge howse Close and p[ar]cell of land by the said deed of Feoffm[en]t granted & sould as aforesaid except only a bed room w[i]thin ye said Cottage as it is now p[ar]ted & divided dureing only the naturall life of William Birdsell aforesaid without any lett suit troble or interrupc[i]on or incumberanc of the said Joseph Hibbert or his heires or assignes or of any other p[er]son or p[er]sons whatsoev[e]r that then this Indent[ur]e to cease and bee voyd or else it to stand remaine and abide in full power force effect and virtue in ye Law.
In witnesse whereof to these pr[e]sente Indentures the p[ar]ties abovesaid have Interchangeably put there handes and seales the daie and yeare first above written
[Signed] : Joseph Hibbert [Endorsement] Sealed signed and deliv[ere]d and these words actuall possession & seisin interlined before ye sealing and deliv[er]ie hereof In p[re]sence and witnesse off us.
[Signed] : Tho. Gillibrand senior Thomas Gellibrand iunior.

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Third Document

To all Christian people to whom their parents shall come Ann Goaff of Christ Church Nornich widowe late wife of John Goaff […] deceased and Administratix of the said John and Phillis Goaff one of the daughters of the said John Goaff and Anne soe send greetings Whereas the said John and Anne his wife and William Goaff son and heir apparent of the said John by their indenture braxing date on or about the third day of September inst year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and forty eight for the consideration therein merit did grant when bargayne and sell everything unto Henry Daby of the Citty of London Marchantaylor (?) All that the Capitall Messuage or tenement […] by the name of the tenement Walters and formerly by the name of Gibberds als Gilberds or by what other name or names sothbe called or known. Togeather with all and singular the Messuages dobehouses malthouses brewing houses and out-houses barnes stables diverses buildinges yards gardens outhyards Curtilage meadowes pastures feedynges lands Tenements and hereditaments whatsoever unto the said Capital Messuage belonging or in any wise apperteyninge or […] there with the same at any tyme leased demised […] occupied or […] lyinge and beinge in Griston als Gisston in the County of Noufik or in […] in the said County or any the Townes thereunto adioyning conteyninge togeather one hundred and Eightenne acres at the least And alsoe fouldcourse or liber[…] or foldcourse and depasturinge for two hundred and an halfe of sheepe upon the Comon or Comon pasture of Griston als Gisston aforesaid And als all others the Messuages lands meadowes pastures feedings fouldcourses Tenements hereditam[ent]s whatsoeber the said John and Anne his wife and of the said Willyam Goaffe or of any of them as will freehold on the charterhold as Customary and Coyiohold wh thon nere in the occupation of Willyam Beecraft of Griston als Gisston aforesaid wh[o] be situate lyinge and beinge in Griston als Gisston aforesaid Watton or in any of the Comons neere unto ad-ioyninge w[it]h their and ebery of their rights members and appurten[an]ces (except as in the said srited indentures is mentioned to be excepted) And whence forty and eight the said Henry Daby hath Cobenanted and granted for himselfe his heirs Executors Divers and assignes to pay or cause to be paid unto the said John Goaffe his executors Divers or assignes at or in the portch of the parrish Church of Grisston aforesaid of the full some of four hundred pounds of lawfull money of England in such manner and for and upon such conditions limitations and agreem[en]ts as doe in the said Indenture followe That is to say the full some of one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England in and upon the eight day of July nich shall be in the grave of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fifty and seaben if the said John Goaffe his executors Divers or assignes shall then have procured or caused the said Phillis Goaff his daughter after that the said Phillis Goaff shall have atteyned her full age of one and twenty yeares to make and deliver to the said Henry Daby his heires and assignes a good perfect and absolute release in law[..] of all her right title estate interest clayme and demand whatsoeber unto in or out of the said Messuages lands and tenem[en]ts p[re]misses And the residue of the said four hundred pounds at certeyne daies and tymes in the said Indenture limitted as in and by the said seberall recited Indentures amongst Divers of her grants clauses Covenants condit[i]ons and agreements in them respectybily conteyned may move at large appear[in]g Now know yee that the said Ann Goaff and Phillis Goaff doe acknowledge to have had and receybed of and from the said Henry Daby the said some of one hundred pounds payable the said eight day of July one thousand six hundred fifty and seaben and that they the said Ann Goaff and Phillis Goaff doe for themselves their servants executors and Divers release acquit and discharge the said Henry Daby his heires executors and Divers by theise presents of and from the said one hundred pounds and of and from all actions claymes and demands concerning the same And further the said Phillis Goaff beinge atteyned unto her full age of one and twenty yeares hath remised released quite claymed and discharged and doth by thoise presents for ho[…] h[…] heires fully and absolutely remise release and quitt clayme & discharge unto the said Henry Daby his heires and assignes foreber in his and thoirfull quiet and yeare ablo possos and sem[…] thereof beinge all the estate interest right title property claymes and demands whatsoeber with the said Phillis Goaff have or had or may or might challenge […]tond to have of in unto or out of all and singular the said Messuages houses buildinges landes Tenem[en]ts meadowes pastures feedinges fouldresses or liberties of foulds sheepe Comon and Comon of pasture profits comodities and appurtenances or any part or parcel thereof in or bye the first afore written indenture menconed to be granted bargained 7 sold by the said john Goaff Anne his wife and Willyam Goaff ebery or any of them unto the said Henry Daby as aforesaid Soe as the said Phillis Goaff or her heirs shall not nor may at any tyme or tymes hereafter have clayme challenge or pretend to have any estate interest right title or demands of in unto or out of the said Messuages landes Tenements and hereditaments other the premises any part or parcel thereof But of or from all such clayme interest right tile and demand of in or out of the said Messuages landes tenements premisses shall for henceforth be absolutely excluded and banned for ever by thoise presents In Witness thereof the said Anne Goaff and Phillis Goaff have hence unto sett their hands and seales this eight day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and seven.

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Notes on sources

Anderson family tree

Information is largely taken from the book 'The Andersons of Peterhead'. This was based on the records made by John Anderson 1825/1903 [VIII 32], known as 'China John'. This was brought up to date in 1936 by Cecil Ford Anderson [X 17] and Agnes Donald Ferguson [CS 45 X b]. Many photographs were taken and compiled in an album by Olive Edis (daughter of Mary Murray, daughter of Andrew Murray (2) of Aberdeen). Corrections to both Janet Innes Anderson's and Alexander Murray's death dates from Robert Murray Watt and Iain Forrest.

Forrest family tree

Iain Forrest kindly supplied material to update the Forrest family (progeny of William Forrest) details.

Hibbert family tree

The information is largely taken from a tree compiled by F.B. (she knows who she is!) with extra material found by the author.

Murray family tree

The 'Genealogical Table showing various branches of the Murray family', from which this information was taken, was prepared by Alexander Murray of Blackhouse, extended by Andrew Murray - advocate - Aberdeen circa 1880 and further extended by Arthur Murray Watt 1972. The generational notation is the author's.

Pike family tree

Information from family sources as well as 'Burke's Landed Gentry' 1875

Stevenson family tree and many Stevenson and Anderson photos

Deepest thanks for some fantastic pictures and for writing the wonderful book 'Jobs for the Boys' to Hew Stevenson, which you can see on www.dovebooks.co.uk.

And the rest

Thanks also to all who have written in with information, advice, help and, most importantly, corrections.

© John Hibbert 2001-2013

8 February, 2021